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Vessel Emission Reduction

140. In 2011, marine vessels were the largest source of respirable suspended particulates, nitrogen oxides and sulphur dioxide. In particular, the emissions of ocean-going vessels at berth accounted for about 40% of their total emissions within Hong Kong waters. In September 2012, the Government launched an incentive scheme to encourage ocean-going vessels at berth to switch to low-sulphur diesel. We are also considering bringing in new legislation to enforce the requirement of fuel switch at berth. We plan to submit our proposal to this Council in the next legislative session following the completion of consultation with the maritime sector. Meanwhile, we are stepping up our efforts with the Guangdong Provincial Government in exploring the feasibility of requiring ocean-going vessels to switch to low-sulphur diesel while berthing in Pearl River Delta ports. Also, the first berth of the Kai Tak Cruise Terminal will be commissioned in the middle of this year. We plan to seek funding approval from this Council to install on-shore power supply facilities for use by cruise vessels with such facilities. This will enable cruise vessels to switch to electric power while berthing and hence minimise their impact on air quality. We are also promoting the use of cleaner fuels among local vessels. We have conducted relevant tests and consulted the relevant sector.

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